Programming Projects
Summary: Built an interactive investment application through R’s Shiny package. The application uses simulations to visualize how an investment account will grow given an initial amount and yearly contributions.
Skills: R, Shiny, ggplot2, dplyr, Data Visualization
Summary: Built an interactive application through R’s Shiny package to perform a text analysis. The application allows the user to explore the most frequently used words and bigrams of the U.S. president’s inaugural speeches with the ability to remove stopwords.
Skills: R, Shiny, ggplot2, dplyr, Data Visualization
Summary: A savings calculator application to compute the number of years of saving a percentage of one’s income it would take to reach a target amount given an annual income and an annual rate.
Skills: R, Shiny, ggplot2, dplyr, Data Visualization
- Skills: R, Shiny